52 The group’s philosophy is to create a beautiful piece that you can live with for a long time. Six artisan are in the group and they mainly use natural bamboo for their products. ◇Yoshio Sugimoto〈F〉Born in 1949, Based in Beppu, Oita, Selected to the Japan Craft Design Competition and Asahi Craft Design Competition. ◇Yasu Hiroi〈C〉Born in 1958, Based in Beppu, Oita, Selected to the Japan Craft Design Competition and the Whole Country Officially Designated Traditional Craft Products Exhibition. Beppu Craft Group ※ The Takumi series are all handmade. Price show is the retail price of an individual product. The ratio between wholesale and retail prices is  flexible due to the cost of the materials used at the time of the order. Therefore, wholesale price benefits will vary. 4041 Tortoise shell pattern basket L C-3 R26×H4.5cm Basket : bamboo Binding : rattan ¥ 19,000 4042 Tortoise shell pattern basket M C-4 R23×H4cm Basket : bamboo Binding : rattan ¥ 17,000 4043 Tortoise shell pattern basket S C-5 R 20×H3.5cm Basket : bamboo Binding : rattan ¥ 15,000 Beppu craft group is a team of artisans using bamboo. They choose the best bamboo to use for the product. Some people say that, all the products, are too beautiful to believe that they made from bamboo. Bamboo has natural oil which over time changes the colour and “caramelises” the products. ※Alphabetical signs after the each items such as C-5 are shown artisan’s name(ex:C-5 is made by Yasu Hiroi〈C〉).